Equipment for underwater works and commercial diving
Being in collaboration with leading enterprises that specialize on development, manufacturing, supervising installation, comissioning work, warranty and postwarranty services of all kinds of diving outfit, technical arrangemets of diving, emergency-rescuing and underwater engineering works, diving gear and instruments, the company “Intertrade and Logistic Service” OY (”ILS”) rrealizes integrated supplies of all types of professional equipmewnt for diving, deck equipment, gear, hyperbaric equipment and equipment for the technical support of underwater and rescue operations.

Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus uses for providing an underwater diver with an autonomous breathing gas supply.

High pressure compressors
We can provide you with the products to ensure safe, reliable re-filing of breathing air in accordance with international standards from small portable units to complete professional filling stations.

Diver hot water machines
We offer a range of diver hot water machines designed for one, two and three divers to suit all your commercial diving requirements.

Hydraulic tools
Underwater Tools designed for a full range of subsea and marine applications including underwater construction, salvage and demolition.

Marine winches
A full range of winches for all types of vessels. From towing winches to 400t dynamic wowing pull, to fishing equipment.

Neoprene fabric
Neoprene is a family of synthetic rubbers that are produced by polymerization of chloroprene and is used in a wide variety of applications including diving suits and accessories.

Regulators are used to allow high-pressure fluid supply lines or tanks to be reduced to safe and usable pressures for various applications.

Side-scan sonar is a category of sonar system that is used to efficiently create an image of large areas of the sea floor.

Underwater communication
Hardwire and wireless communications systems for underwater applications including 2 diver and 3 diver radios, helium unscramblers, chamber radios, wireless tender communicators, Buddy phones and much more.

UW cutting and welding
We supply a range a cutting and welding equipment for underwater applications. We also stock collets and washers, oxygen regulators, safety switches, circuit breakers, welding cable and welding rigs.

Auxiliary equipment
We offer a whole range of auxiliary equipment for providing operation of major underwater equipment.